While the professional photos are being edited, we’ll market your home before it’s even on the market by executing the below strategies. We’ll discuss which tactics make the most sense for your property and situation:

  • Advertise your home via the Custom website.  This is a great way to expose your home to to potential buyers before it goes on the market
  • Social media posts of “Coming Soon” to get the attention of potential buyers and other Realtors
  • Schedule and advertise our first open house to take place the Saturday after your listing goes live in the MLS
  • Create and print professional 12 page brochures
  • Install a For Sale sign to in front of your building or in your yard
  • Place the QR Code for your custom website on the sign so passerby’s are able to see the details of your home
  • Put a lockbox on your property for showings

Generally the above takes 48-72 hours. After that, as soon as the photos are back from the photographer, your property will go live in the MLS!

Questions? Call us at (303) 667-9442 or (303) 257-2038.